Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼Nenumlib | |
Cglobals_t | |
▼Clattice_enum_t | |
Ci_tag | |
▼Nthread_pool | |
▼Ndetail | |
Cresult_of | |
Cresult_of< F(ArgTypes...)> | |
Cbarrier | |
Cthread_pool | |
CBKZAutoAbort | Performs a heuristic check if BKZ can be terminated |
CBKZParam | |
CBKZReduction | The class performing block reduction |
CCallbackEvaluator | |
CEnumeration | |
▼CEnumerationBase | |
Copts | |
CEnumerationDyn | |
CEnumerator | |
CErrorBoundedEvaluator | |
CEvaluator | |
CExactErrorBoundedEvaluator | |
CExternalEnumeration | |
CFastErrorBoundedEvaluator | |
CFastEvaluator | |
CFP_mat | |
CFP_NR | |
CHLLLReduction | |
CLLLReduction | |
CMatGSO | |
CMatGSOGram | |
CMatGSOInterface | |
CMatHouseholder | |
CMatrix | |
CMatrixRow | |
CNumVect | |
COptions | |
▼CPruner | Pruner class, to compute and optimize cost and success probability of pruned enumeration |
CTestPruner | |
CPruningParams | |
CRandGen | |
CRandGenInt | |
CStrategy | |
CWrapper | Wrapper. This class provides an externally callable API for LLL reducing some basis b . This class forcibly instantiates some template declarations (see FPLLL_DECLARE_LLL(T) for more information at the bottom of this class) and provides an interface for calling provable, heuristic and fast variants of both LLL and HLLL |
CZ_NR | |
CZZ_mat |